Doing missionnary work is weird here though. The houses aren't close together. They're also Gigantic and on gigantic weird roads. I'll take pictures. I'll try to send some today. My Comp is Elder Dago. He's interesting. He's from Yopougan I think... Abidjan. We have Elder's Mbunga (From republic of Congo) andElder OulaÏ from Abidjan in our apartment. The weather is hot here. it's WAY up north in comparison to Lome, Cotonou and Abidjan. It's a little hotter than Lomé which was the hottest of the three that I listed. The branches are really weak here... The work isn't easy. There's a flipping HUGE catholic cathedral here. We're going to go visit it today and the "Crocodile Lake."
Ya Elder Jerman met me in the airport. He's the assistant. Unfortunately I didn't spend more than four hours in Abidjan. I got right on a big bus that was uncomfortable for 5 hours after that. Health is fine. I left a lot of things I didn't need at the mission office. I'll pick it up when I come home.
I said happy birthday to Dad and now HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN! That's weird that their birthday's are all so close... I thought that they were farther away from each other...
okay. So It was an interesting trip overall. I left Togo last Friday and I spent a bit of time in Benin. I stayed in Elder cloward's apartment so I got to talk to him a lot. elder Ba Bi who was at yakro before who is not Elder bo Bi talked to me a bit about how it is here and he was right. It's very interesting. The pictures aren't downloading... oh well. This cyber is fast but it's not downloading the pics... Wierd. So I took the plane from benin to Côte D'Ivoire. The flight was really short. It was great to be in a plane again. I kinda missed that. OH! So just before I got into the waiting room for the plane in Benin, I had to go through the Passport check. So apparently they said my Visa wasn't good, so I was like great. They said you have to pay 10,000 francs. So I said ok. I showed him the entry visa they gave me at the border and he said that's not good enough. So I honestly got a little ticked off and I said I have to call someone. Can I borrow you're phone? And he just sat there. I said you gonna answer me or not? and he just sat there. So I asked the guy next to him. Same thing. So I went around the airport asking people and everyone was like oh sorry. I don't have credit. EVERY FLIPPING PERSON until I had to CATCH someone that just finished making a call so I knew that he couldn't lie. He said sure you can call. I called the couple real quick and they said the Office would reimburse me so I gave the guy 1000 francs and he was super happy. Lol! So I paid the Jerk cop and he was happy. So THEN I took the plane. I got to Abidjan and saw Elder Jerman who picked me up. I got to talk to him for a bit. We got to the Office and Elder Bowman had just arrived also. so I was taking pictures with him and he realized that he had left his camera on the bus... We went quick to try and find it, but someone had already taken it. It was super hard for him.
So I got on the bus, I'm sending a little pic, and spent 2 hours in traffic in Yopougan. That was wonderfully hot in the bus... then we got on our way. The road was decent and pretty for the most part. Then it was around 19:30 and we stopped in a town called Toumodi. A lady stood up and said "that lady that just got off stole 7000 francs of mine!" A whooping 15 bucks and she got off and they started throwing punches and slapping each other around the bus. That was cool AND delayed us. Then we found out that the lady that said the other was the thief, was the thief... It was just wacky.
So I got to Yakro super tired and got to the apartment. I used the ironning board cloth as a bed sheet cause I thought I had left my second pair of bed sheets at the office (they weren't there). I already bought a pair here, don't worry. Then the following morning, I plugged in the iron to iron my clothes and the power cut out. I learned that in order to iron, you have to unplug the fridge. Lol! And then two days later, our power cut off. Just our house. We checked everything. Slept without a fan for a night or two. Then the electrician came and said the wires were fried and said that it'd be a hundred bucks. We said no thanks. So the owner of the house called her electrician. He fixed the problem for 7 bucks. Lol!
We're going to go to the Catholic Cathedral today. And the crocodile lake. It should be interesting. I wanted to get some pictures of that and send you guys them. It's seriously GIGANTIC! I can't explain how big this thing is. It's like a star wars building... I've been eating a lot of Atiéké too. Every day I eat it. Loll!
Well I gotta go. I hope the pictures load fast. OH! I met my old ex-missionnary comp N'Dri here! He lives here! Same with Kouassi! It was so good to see them again! I couldn't believe it!
Well I love you and miss you very much! click day on Austin's B-Day!
Elder Halvorsen