Last week went by pretty quick. The ward drama... It's interesting. Talk about that later... STill haven't gotten my debit... Kinda worrying me... I think the rainy season is over cause the sun is out in full force again... Thank you for the words of encouragement. It's been difficile with the ward lately... Just a lot of things have been going all over. We have to rein everything back in.
Transfers are the 4th of september. President said that I will be a senior companion and maybe the district leader. If you have any tips on leading or teaching as a senior, that'd be much appreciated. : )
So quite a few stories this week. I feel kinda bad that I don't write spirtual things like Kirtley... There's so much that goes on here.
First off, I forgot, last week we went to the hospital to get chest scans and blood tests for our "Carte de Sejour." didn't handle the blood test well, like usual... I found a new way to cross the road. When a car starts crossing, we use the car as a shield. Lol. Or if there's an "almost accident" it stops all traffic for a couple seconds too. There's a surprising amount of those...
The Black's go home the fourth too. I'm getting my card all ready to send off. I really want that you take extremley good care of this card and even burn it onto another CD or something... I'd probably breakdown if I lost it.
Here's something funny. It's something dad always said, "Don't pee standing up." So for reals, that doesn't bug me peeing standing up, but Africans leave the seat lid down and just pee all over it. I have to wipe it down and disinfect it everytime, and when I really have to go, I can't tell you how painful that is... SO DON'T DO IT BOYS! Lol! I love when these little life lessons I should have learned when I was home come back to slap me in the face...
So we had our zone conference last week. It was very good and very spiritual. They always give me this boost of power to go out and convert the whole country of Bénin. I think that's what they're supposed to do. President was also impressed with my companion's and my performance.
So Blake said something about my car is "waiting for me?" I don't really understand the situation on that... I met this guy that looks exactly like Devin Dillard! Except he's black of course... He talks the same way, same facial expressions... It's weird... Do you think I can get the tracking numbers for the packages you send? or you could track them, cause Elder Ghisquiere has had a package in Cotonou since the 30 of last month and they're telling him they don't have it... Makes me nervous. Elder Ghisquiere got a stomach infection too and was in the hosptal for a couple of days... It's was interesting.... Said he didn't see the light though. Lol.
We had a service project on Saturday. We cleaned up a section of the side of the road. I forgot my sunscreen. Got burned... Not NEARLY as bad as the beach... Don't worry, I rarely forgot my sun screen, though it sounds like i do all the time.
We taught this guy how to pray, funny story, so we asked him to pray at the end. He asked us to remind him how to do it. So we said, as a summary, you say "our heavenly father, I thank thee, I ask thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." So he covers the steps just like how we told him. And we said yep that's it.. So he said the steps again, and we said yep... Now can you pray? So he said the steps again, and it clicked. We thought he was covering the steps, but he thought that was how we prayed! Oh man. IT's funnier in French...
Now for something spiritual. I've had a couple times to exercise my Priesthood here on some sick people. This one time, there were these two sweet little girls. THey had a fever I think.Her mom is an investigator, and she asked us to do an annointing. So we blessed the two girls. Now I was a little disappointed that they still said they felt a little sick. I didn't understand... So we visited them again a couple days later. The Mother greeted us into the house, sat us down and said, "I testify to you that the blessings you gave to my daughters were blessings from God himself. About an hour after you left, both my girls were completely fine with no sign of a fever at all. I know that you are servants from God." I can't tell you how many emotions I felt right then... I felt so happy, so filled with the love of God, but at the same time disappointed with myself for doubting that what I had given the girls should have worked that very instant. All the answers to my questions, all my doubts have been settled incredibly fast through instructions, personal witnesses, and revelation from God. Like Paul said, I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God.
Eh bien ma famille, Je t'aime beaucoup, et tu me manque plus que tu peux comprendre. Je songe de toi, je rêve de toi, mais même ave'c toutes ces choses qui me gêne comme ça, je sais que je suis ici our en objectif plus grand que n'importe quoi d'autre je pourrais être en train de faire. Cet ouevre est magnifique. C'est l'ouevre du Seigneur. Saches que je suis ici par ma choix. Je suis ici parce que j'ai choissi à suivre le chemin que Dien a tracé pour tous ses enfants.
[Google Translation: Well my family, I love you very much, and I miss you more than you can understand. I dream of you, but even ave'c all these things that bother me like that, I know I'm here in our larger objective than anything else I could be doing . The Artwork is magnificent. It is the Artwork of the Lord. Know that I am here by my choice. I am here because I have to select your follow the path traced Dien for all its children.]
I love you all very much and can't wait till your next email!
Elder Halvorsen
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